Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Relentless Repeatability

The key to any successful sustainable business is the concept of relentless repeatability. Doing the same thing, the same way, every time to achieve a consistent outcome. This concept is well document in Ray Croc's book about McDonald's. A Big Mac in New York taste exactly the same as one in Toyko. This is because the process by which they build the Big Mac is exactly the same across the world. All McDonalds employees' are educated the same way in the art of creating a Big Mac. We can learn a lot from this success story.

When working with healthcare provider organizations I often see how one simple workflow has the potential to create organizational chaos. Take for example, the patient regstration process. Every insurance company needs the same registration information in order to process a claim, yet when I go from client to client and clinic to clinic - the forms are different, the data elements are different and sometimes the systems are different. Employees have been trained by a number of different methods. Some by their Managers. Some by Corporate Trainers. Some not at all.

This leads to inaccurate registrations which delays claims, ultimately delaying revenue. Getting to a relentless repeatable process is imperative for resolving some of your chronic issues around the revenue cycle. Read Ray's book and transform your organization into the next McDonalds.

Chris George

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