Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Compliance is challenging for any medical practice, affecting nearly every facet of healthcare delivery. Among the myriad of rules and regulations that must be followed, the regulations from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) rank among the most vital.

Organizations continue to struggle with the administrative burdens of implementing and adhering to the requirements of the Medicare Secondary Payer and Advanced Beneficiary Notice. These can create an administrative overload, often resulting in bottlenecks during registration and frustrated patients who are pressed to answer countless questions.

Delays and impediments can be averted by seizing the opportunity to redesign patient workflow around these compliance requirements. Providing staff with the necessary training and tools is essential to staying on top of compliance issues. Don’t let these compliance issues be a burden – use them instead as opportunities to redesign and improve your patient experience. To find out more about how Think First can help you with compliance, visit our website,

-Kristen Weisenberger, Senior Project Manager

1 comment:

  1. Do you think that healthcare reform should include lowering compliance requirements for Medicare and Medicaid?
